This section contains resources and internet links that you may find useful.
Finding helpful resources
Although you will have recently received a large amount of information when you, or your partner, were diagnosed, you may want to seek additional information on relaxation courses you can do, or living with cancer, or you may want to talk to someone rather than reading the information. After you complete your treatment you may also want to continue accessing the most up to date information. Often we want this information and support but don’t know where to find it. This can be very stressful and for some people can be enough to stop them from seeking the help they need.
Gaining up to date information or access to support services does not need to be expensive, as there are a number of sources of help available to you if you know where to look. To help you in your search, we have compiled a list of organizations and websites that you may find helpful. These are just a few of the agencies that are there to support and assist you in your recovery but by beginning with some of these services you may meet other people who can suggest other services/agencies that may meet your needs as they change.
Being cautious about internet sites
It is also important to remember that at times the sheer volume of information available can be overwhelming, and not all of it will be relevant to your personal experience. You should be particularly mindful when accessing information through the internet, as anyone can set up a website and the quality of what you are reading cannot be guaranteed. Where possible, stick to the NHS or high profile cancer charities in the UK, such as Maggie’s, Macmillan, or a cancer support charity specific to your type of cancer (e.g. Prostate Cancer UK, Braintrust etc.).