Stress management: Activity plan – Part 2

Mood Monitor

Now that you have a list of ideas of ways to manage your stress, it is a good idea to record how effective it was at reducing your stress-level. Below is a table that can help you track this. When you are experiencing ‘strong’ feelings (such as sadness, anger, stress, etc.), write down what that feeling was, why you think you had the feelings, what activity you tried to relieve that feeling, and how effective it was. An example has been given to get you started. You can add as many ‘records’ of your feelings and stress-management attempts as you like – so feel free to keep returning to this worksheet throughout treatment. You may also want to return to your mood monitor after completing your activities and see if it has altered your mood from when you first logged in.

  Feeling Cause of feeling Stress management strategy used Outcome

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Stress management: Activity plan - Part 2